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“I have known and worked closely with Vettie and Steve for many years. Capable technologists, they both have a deep understanding of the database tools essential to managing e-discovery. But unlike some, they are dedicated to improving the methods by which desirable outcomes are achieved. If you are a law firm or legal department struggling with litigation technology, and are seeking help, Fides essociates would be a great place to start.”

Martin Felsky, PhD, Senior Counsel, Heuristica LLP

“Vettie and Steve are a power couple with whom I have had the pleasure to work, support clients, compete and laugh! I wondered for years why they weren’t running a business together and I am delighted that the answer is now irrelevant. Fides’ capabilities are aligned with my first-hand experience of its leaders’ expertise and know how. Their offering and philosophy are much needed in the ediscovery market, and I am convinced that Fides’ clients will benefit from a great ROI. ”

Dominic Jaar, Canadian Advisory Leader, Clients & Markets


“Yvette and Steve have an exceptional and admirable depth of background in eDiscovery processes and best practices. As such, they are extraordinarily well-positioned to ably assist with the resolution of a wide range of technical and administrative issues that arise in day-to-day eDiscovery practice. ”

Brian Pel, Chief Operating Officer and Senior Counsel

Heuristica LLP

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

Helen Keller

© 2020 Fides essociates Inc.

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